Excellent contemplative article. I'm cleaning out a closet (of course I'm writing a book at the same time and get the pull to clean the closet too). Anyhow, I found letters from family members who passed away years ago. I read one or two before my husband reminded me we only had so many hours that day to complete the task. But I saved them so I can reread the words written to me years ago.

I remember Pamela Sonnenmoser from the CLASS writers conferences. Because she completed a book before her passing, she left a legacy for us who are still here. That reminds me of Isaiah 30:8, "Now go and write down these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the end of time as a witness" (NLT).

May we all have the same desire to complete our God-given assignments to leave those legacies behind, while still finding time to pause in Mayberry. Thanks for the encouragement. :)

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